Saturday, October 31, 2009

Connie Prince's Speed Scrap @ Gotta Pixel

What a treat! To actually be chatting with such a talented designer and participating in the speed scrap at Gotta Pixel was an amazing experience. I'm going to do it again soon.

Okay, I'm breathing normally again and wanted to show you all my page.

The kit I used is "Silence I Can't Ignore" by Bella Gypsy. A lovely kit to work with, it's so versatile. The pictures are my grandchildren, Jack & Ava, taken at the Wings of Paradise Butterfly Museum. I took them by myself (not a normal occurrence) and they were very well behaved for me. I thoroughly enjoyed the outing and I think they did, too!

1 comment:

Cindi said...

oh so Cute!! with a capital C!!! love this Barb